
The breakfast at Le Panoramic

Our tasty breakfast, Continental or American, are on reservation, preferably the day before, because our rolls and croissants are cooked on the spot.

They are served every day of the week from 7.30am to 10am. On weekends and in July and August, breakfast will be served from 8h to 10h.

Continental Breakfast

Our classic continental breakfast will be served at your table. It consists of a fruit juice (orange, apple or grapefruit), a hot drink, a yoghurt, a fresh fruit or applesauce and a slate with a will: fresh bread, croissants, homemade cake and grilled toasts. A “savory” version is also available, with a plate of ham and cheese replacing the croissant.

Americain Breaffast

Some will probably prefer our American breakfast. It is composed as our continental breakfast, with a hot plate topped with cheese, ham, fried egg, bacon, hash browns, and toasts. Ideal for refueling energy !

Possibility of “à la carte” or special breakfasts (gluten-free, keto, vegetarian, etc. Only on prior request, and with supplement)….

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